Airlines contacts, Auckland Airport

Did you know there’s a more recent version of your browser? We advise that you upgrade to a recent version so you are able to take complete advantage of the features on Yes. Complimentary access to Economy Plus at reserving Economy Plus companions Complimentary Premier updates within hours Complimentary Premier updates for companies Complimentary Premier updates early affirmation day of departure Instant upgrades on Y or B class full fare market tickets Instant updates on M class market tickets Regional Premier updates eligibility Global Premier update eligibility PQM minimum accrual Award miles on American and American Express and select partner airlines like Premier bonus award miles x fare Priority check in Priority security screening, where provided Priority boarding privileges Priority baggage handling Premier priority desk telephone line K Call dedicated line Access to the majority of sold out flights Priority award waitlisting Standby for international awards Unrestricted access to American Everyday Awards on American and American Express operated flights Reduced or waived close in award booking fee Reduced or waived award redeposit fee Reduced or waived award change fee Lounge accessibility when traveling globally Discounted or precisely the same day flight fluctuations Discounted American Club membership rates Discounted or waived telephone service fee Better availability for American Saver Awards in select premium cabins. If you may ‘t locate you number, it might be in an email sent you some time back. . How to enable JavaScript. Its a long number along with your password.

Complimentary access to Economy Plus at check in Economy Plus Companion Complimentary Premier updates the day of departure Complimentary Premier updates for companies Complimentary Premier updates early affirmation day of departure Instant updates on Y or B class full fare market tickets PQM minimum accrual Award miles on American and American Express and select partner airlines like Premier bonus award miles x fare Priority check in Priority security screening, where provided Priority boarding privileges Priority baggage handling Premier priority desk telephone line Access to the majority of sold out flights Priority award waitlisting Standby for american airlines reservations international awards Unrestricted access to American Everyday Awards on American and American Express operated flights Reduced or waived close in award booking fee Reduced or waived award redeposit fee Reduced or waived award change fee. We advise that you disable Compatibility View so you are able to take whole advantage of the features on Need to spend or more during first year of card membership. Each level has its own benefits Business class passengers are offered a tablet packed with each of the above options on a single convenient hand held device. Its in the center column under Using Your Avios More information available online.

Youll also receive the same great service that you’re accustomed to, and, American Airlines stepped up its inflight dining game. Can I get a refund when there’s been a death in the family? Please contact American’s Customer Care department to ask about a refund.

For online booking, after entering the passenger information, the individual booking the flight will be prompted to input their credit card information. Its at the top right of the page on my screen. For the purposes of providing flight booking services, American Airlines Inc. the Company, whose main office is located in the US, seeks consent from one to process certain personal information pertaining to you.

From a salad with delicate greens to get an appetizer to a tasty dessert with pie a la mode, you won’t go hungry, thats for certain!
All of the Silver and Gold Benefits Discounted American Club membership rates Discounted or waived telephone service fee Better availability for American Saver Awards in select premium cabins. AAdvantage or Citi cards demanded. Now, the name, address, and phone number can be changed to match that of which is about the booking person ‘s credit card statement.

The first time you visit, you’ll need to set this up. All of the Silver benefits Lounge accessibility when traveling globally Discounted or waived same day trip changes. You must have Cookies enabled to fully experience and use Its the fourth tab over. Click the Executive Club tab at the top.

Please review the following information and checkmark the proper box to indicate whether you agree to the following things. Can we buy our tickets in the airport? All airport ticket buy hours can be seen by clicking here. . Once you know the specific dates you would like, visit and log in the executive team.

Please indicate your approval of this Website Agreement and acknowledge that you’ve read American’s Privacy Policy. Locate US Airways domestic flights out there for all of your beloved American States destinations, even from little cities, to the big cities, US Airways can get you there. We would like you to get the best experience possible.