You attend a small college, or you just have really bad luck, you’re bound to come across one or two people you actually know while swiping on dating apps whether you live in a super small town or a city that isn’t heavily populated
In case you know from your real life, but who you aren’t attracted to, what do you do that you encounter a person who? Should you swipe close to somebody you recognize simply to be friendly and say hello, or will that only complicate the problem further? Are you currently best off simply swiping left and avoiding the awkwardness altogether?
I spoke to dating app expert Meredith Golden about what to complete if so when you encounter this all-too-common 21st-century problem while swiping for a dating app. Her response is easy: you shouldn’t swipe right on them if you aren’t romantically or sexually interested in a person. “If this person is not some one you would date, swipe ever left,” says Golden. “If you swipe right and match, it will simply become embarrassing.”