The Bay area intercourse events. Bathhouses and Sex groups

The Bay area intercourse events. Bathhouses and Sex groups

We carried out in-depth qualitative interview with club managers (a few of whom had been additionally owners), club staff, and clients on lots of subjects linked to the part of groups in HIV avoidance. Individuals were asked to explain the aspects of the club’s HIV prevention system; there was clearly no question that is specific straight raised the matter of monitoring. The research design enabled us to triangulate the distinct views of managers, staff and clients to supply a rich description for the effect of club monitoring policies on stakeholders’ roles and relationships.


The writers collaboratively and iteratively analyzed the information making use of ATLAS. Ti pc software (ATLAS. Ti, 2002). The phase that is first of contains developing a typical group of principles predicated on patterns seen in the info. Initially, the group analyzed the data that are same compare, line by line, exactly how every one of us delimited and coded the info sections. All codes that are new by downline had been vetted, renamed, and defined during analysis meetings. From this procedure emerged a typical way of picking the boundaries of information sections and also to achieve contract in the definitions of our growing selection of codes. If we unearthed that our coding of this information produced no brand new classes of codes, simply improvements of current codes, we divided within the rest for the data in our midst, coded them separately, but proceeded to go over our progress and also to review portions we had discovered especially interesting or hard to code. While separately coding the writing, we recorded our annotations memos that are using.
