Dudes, wellhello sometimes it is difficult to inform if a lady is into you or perhaps not. Believe me, i am aware; I’m a lady. It’s called delivering signals that are mixed and then we get it done so we can entrap men with false rape allegations and extort cash away from them. All females take action, plus it could be considered an enormous issue if it weren’t for the brilliant utilization of feminism to mask our elaborate scheme to enslave males.
But, we figured I’d throw you dudes a bone tissue and provide you with some guidelines that will help you find out when a female В_actually_ really wants to bang, because everyone knows that no means no, and today often also yes means no. Here’s the things you need to consider.
1. You are given by her“The Look”
Pupils dilated. Upper lids completely retracted, although the bottom lids push up. The eyes will dart to and fro quickly as she flicks her tongue from side to side and bears her teeth.